Elise Favis

  • News

    Caring by Not Car-ing

    From Sept. 19 to 23, the Agence métropolitaine de transport, in partnership with the Société de Transport de Montréal and POP Montreal, presented In Town Without My Car All Week Long, an event that showcased eco-friendly events, concerts and conferences to educate citizens on the effects of car-use and alternative transportation.

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    Power to the People

    This past Sunday, Sept. 11, an anti-imperialist demonstration stormed the streets of downtown Montreal. Beginning outside the Atwater Metro station, the red-flag-toting, scarf-wearing activists prepared their sharpie-covered signs that read “REAL terrorism = Imperialism.” After a few short motivating words screamed through a megaphone, the group began their march down Ste. Catherine St., waving their flags, chanting, “Fuck the police,” and “Occupation is a crime.”