Students Flabbergasted by the Shocking Reality of CSU Council Meetings | Special Issue – The Link

Students Flabbergasted by the Shocking Reality of CSU Council Meetings

    Curious about all the hype surrounding the Concordia Student Union, one naive fine arts student decided to tune in to the live-stream of a regular council meeting.

    What she found, she says, was shocking.

    “I mean I knew that the CSU had been lambasted by the media,” said Pencil Crayon Major Ezmerelda Star. “But this? I was blown away.”

    Star explained that she was confused why former president Lambert Woodsman was being celebrated so highly during these council meetings, despite having resigned months earlier.

    “I didn’t really understand why Woodsman was the centre of these meetings,” said Star. “It seemed like they’re just entertaining him. Didn’t he quit a while ago?”

    Despite the confusion, Star believes that if all students knew how theatrical CSU council meetings really are, more would be inclined to give a damn.

    “Being an arts student, I really appreciate their creativity,” she said. “They can make boring old board meetings a lot of fun. The production costs must be astronomical, though.”

    Star says that she will definitely be tuning in for future meetings.

    Check out a clip from the live-stream below.

    NOTE: This is spoof content. All characters and events in this article—even those based on real people—are entirely fictional.