Recommendation for Renée

I reconnected with Renée Tousignant, an old high school friend, when we both found ourselves in first-year Communications nearly two years ago.

I had always known her to be involved and spirited when it came to school activities, and despite the hectic nature of university alone, Renée has not lost this drive to help shape and improve student life. This is most notable through her continued involvement in COMS Guild.

Renée is a motivated person, a quality that extends beyond her political contributions. I have consistently seen Renée take on extra responsibilities and still endeavor to do well in school, a goal she has achieved by maintaining a high GPA while staying highly involved in promoting richer student life at Concordia.

The dedication with which she performs any task thrown her way is admirable, and acts as a testament to her commitment to never do anything half-heartedly. My recommendation for you to vote for Renée as Arts and Science councilor does not stem from my personal appraisal of her, but rather comes from my first-hand look at her ability to get things done as a member of the COMS Guild.

I can only imagine how the ability she has shown there will translate to a new position. This demonstration of drive is why I prompt you to vote for Renée as your new Arts and Science councilor in the upcoming elections on March 29-30-31.

—Justine Israel,
Communications Studies