Eagle Tears : An Insider’s Look | Fringe Arts – The Link

Eagle Tears : An Insider’s Look

Photo by Susan Moss
Photo by Lauren Gouilloud
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The revving of motorcycle engines during the 36th edition of the Harley Davidson show could not compete with the timeless rock sound of Montreal-based band Eagle Tears performing at the Bell Centre two Saturdays ago.

Amidst a cloud of motorcycle fumes and fans alike, the up-and-coming band rocked their singles “Lady Bison” and “Cold Turkey” during an eight minute set following the performance of The Damn Truth.

Eagle Tears originally came together in 2011 but the current five members go back approximately two years to 2013. At that point in time Bob Eaglesham took over the drums, tightening them up rhythmically, and George Grove on guitar and lead vocals, transformed them into a three-guitar band.

“Over the course of that time we got on to really substantiating a relationship between each other and the music. Everyone is a songwriter and we all take hold of the reigns to establish songs and book shows/tours,” said guitarist Steve Ludvik.

“Since the spring of 2014 the band has accomplished quite a bit,” said Ludvik, “starting with the completion of our debut album to then winning the En Route to Heavy Montreal competition where we played at the music festival alongside Metallica and Slayer. We proceeded with a very successful tour across Canada in the fall and closed out 2014 with another mini tour with fellow Canadian rock band Monster Truck.”

Considering the heavy metal/rock scene in Montreal to have a slightly rougher sound than that of Eagle Tears, locally they’ve done well—performing with such bands as Fu Manchu, Scott Weiland and The Damn Truth.

Aside from getting air time on CHOM 97.7FM for their singles “Lady Bison” and “Sweet Little Thing,” they played at inner city festivals such as Heavy Montreal and M pour Montreal, and have very recently graced the Bell Centre stage.

It would appear to the average music lover in this city that the band’s success is largely related to the rise in demand for that effortless non-generic rock sound. While most bands are influenced musically by others’ within the same genre, Eagle Tears claims to not be cut from the same creative cloth.

“We prefer inspiration over influence,” Ludvik said. “The moment you are influenced by something or somebody, you are going to reproduce a similar idea and yet when you are inspired you will always be able to advance creatively.”

At its very core, Eagle Tears’ essence can be described as being inspired by the greatest decades of music combined with a variation of vocal harmonies and a powerful guitar trio. According to Ludvik, Eagle Tears is always writing.

“New songs always keep us happy and fulfilled,” he said. “So a second album is in the works. We enjoy playing live as much as writing tunes, so more tours are in the forecast as well.”

As far as the direction of their future endeavors go, that’s ultimately up the combination of all five members.

“You have to take into account that music is endless, writing it as well as discovering it and ultimately, there are five members in Eagle Tears with different backgrounds who enjoy anything from reggae to Sade.”

You can catch Eagle Tears Saturday April 18 at 8 p.m. at the Bike and Tattoo Show at Centre SportXpo de Laval.