Diana for VP | Letters – The Link

Diana for VP

I’m not going to write about how great of a friend Diana Sitoianu has been to me, or even about the amazing person I have had the fortune of meeting. That’s not why we are here and that’s not the reason she should be voted for.

The things I admire in a leader are respect, responsibility and above all, dedication. As a friend, Diana is extremely dedicated, but I have also witnessed her dedication to both her school, and her schoolwork. In addition to balancing straight A’s, she somehow manages to volunteer at almost every event that the Arts and Science Federation of Associations has put on for us. Her loyalty and concern that everyone is satisfied is unmatched.

I don’t recommend that you vote for Diana because she is a great friend, or even because she is an exceptional person, I recommend that you vote for her because of what she can do with the position she is running for. I have full confidence in her abilities as a leader and as a dedicated academic. She loves her school and will not only succeed at anything she puts her mind to, but she will excel. It is that excellence that makes her the right person for the job.

She will always have my full support, and I hope yours too.

So please come out and vote for her at the upcoming elections on Feb. 15, 16 and 17.

—Kalli Ringelberg,
BA Creative Writing
& English Literature

This article originally appeared in Volume 31, Issue 22, published February 8, 2011.