Aaron Green on “Objectivity” | Letters – The Link

Aaron Green on “Objectivity”

Photo Riley Sparks

    The article on ATM fees written last week in The Link lacked any semblance of objectivity. Perhaps The Link believes student bars operate on thin air or that money grows on trees.

    How do you think the Concordia Student’s Union can make drinks at Reggies so affordable for students? How does The Link believe employees of Reggie’s are paid?

    If you don’t like ATM fees, withdraw money at your own bank branch—it’s that simple. When you pay fifty cents, you’re paying for the convenience of not having to walk to your own bank branch.

    CUSACorp exists to serve students and to continue to provide a fun and enjoyable atmosphere at Reggie’s throughout the year while simultaneously managing the lease agreement with Java U. Last year, CUSACorp introduced food at Reggies and actually managed to push CUSACorp into making a modest profit, profit that will always be reinvested in Reggie’s and ultimately seeks to improve students’ experiences here at Concordia.

    Please try to refrain from trashing an organization that works hard for students and provides valuable services and initiatives. I’d love to open The Link one week to find a positive article on any of the campaigns or services the CSU organizes and provides for Concordia’s undergraduate students.

    —Aaron Green,
    CSU Councillor

    This article originally appeared in Volume 31, Issue 07, published September 28, 2010.