Annual General Meeting & Notice of Elections | LinkBlog – The Link

Annual General Meeting & Notice of Elections

*Online via Zoom**
Thursday, June 11, 2020, at 4 p.m.


1. Call to order
2. Election of a secretary
3. Annual General Meeting by-law amendments
4. Reading and approval of the agenda
5. Reading and approval of the minutes of the 2019 AGM
6. By-law amendments
7. Board of Directors report for 2019-2020
8. Presentation of the 2018-2019 financial statements
9. Appointment of the auditor
10. Financial statements as of the last day of February 2020 11. Presentation of the preliminary budget 2020-2021
12. Election of the Board of Directors
13. Other business
14. End of the assembly

Concordia undergraduate students who are members in good standing are eligible to
attend, vote at the meeting, and run for a position on The Link’s board. One (1) position is
open to members at large (paying fees) and two (2) positions are open to members of
the community who have had Link staff status within the last three (3) years. Candidates
for the Board must present a letter of intent by Thursday, June 4, 2020, at 4 p.m. to the
secretary of the board of directors by email to

*Annual General Meeting: Online via Zoom
An invitation with a password will be sent before the meeting.
If you wish to attend, send an email to

Application and eligibility for The Link’s by-election (Vol. 41) »

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