R. Brian Hastie

  • Fringe Arts

    Friendly Factory

    rom the ashes of an old industry rises a new one.
    The remains of the old Crane factory building in the south west borough of St. Henri have been reconfigured to house lofts and Crane Records.
    “[Crane Records] is an artist collective recording space,” said Jenna Harkness, one of the label’s members.

  • Fringe Arts

    Monster Business

    The dark eyes. The jagged dorsal fins. The dark green scales and gigantic tail. The building-shaking roar. All of these features define the world-famous Godzilla.

  • Fringe Arts

    The power of hope

    As the dust settles on the now-condemned Green Room on St. Laurent Boulevard after a recent fire, many in the city lament the loss of another mid-sized local venue. However, as one building falls, a bright light appears in the horizon in the form of the Parc Avenue institution The Rialto.

  • Fringe Arts

    The beginning of an end for Isis

    It’s the final curtain call for Boston-bred and LA-based post-metal outfit Isis. After 13 years and five full-length releases—as well as a myriad number of EPs and live albums—the Ipecac Record recording artists’ appearance at Club Soda on June 23 will be their last show ever.