Marissa Ramnanan
Concordia Englympics Come to a Close
The Concordia Englympics wrapped up its final day of competitions on Saturday evening.
Where Quebec Stands on Sexual Violence Prevention
The conversation surrounding sexual assault has effectively been forced open, and Quebec is no exception.
Racines Bookstore Exposes Montreal North’s Roots
Racines is bookstore gold. Located in Montreal North, at 4689 Henri-Bourassa Blvd. East, the store has a feature that makes it special: it only carries books and art made by people of colour.
Fringe Arts
Book Launch: Robyn Maynard Discusses Racial Discrimination in her Latest Book
In her latest book, set to launch today, Robyn Maynard takes into consideration systemic racism and how it came to this point in our society and why it’s important to address these issues.
Students Have Mixed Reactions to Concordia Mobile App
The much anticipated first phase of the Concordia Mobile app was released at the beginning of this semester, inciting a tsunami of mixed reactions from students.
The Dangers of Implicit Racism
Institutionalized racism is woven into the fabric of society, and is hard to shake.
Solidarity With Our Muslim Brothers and Sisters
Institutionalized racism, and systemic Islamophobia is woven into Canadian as well as Quebec society. Attacks are happening in our own neighborhoods.
Bill 70 Should be Repealed
Bill 70 is degrading and perpetually stigmatizes the welfare system.