Anne-Myriam Abdelhak
Fringe Arts
Doc Days Ahead
British climate change activists, Syrian refugees, temporary immigrant workers in Canada and student strikers in Croatia. The people getting their stories told during this semester’s Cinema Politica are a truly diverse group.
Fringe Arts
Space Invasion
It’s with a dark, political incorrectness that Dito Tsintsadze brings his latest work to Montreal’s World Film Festival.
Fringe Arts
A Different Point of View
Quebec was a turbulent place in the 1970s, wrought with the burgeoning Franco-nationalist movement’s political skirmishes and a province-wide cultural upheaval. And while it’s not common to see an anglophone author depicting this time period, Raymond Beauchemin’s first novel, Everything I Own, is taking it on.
Fringe Arts
Interaction et échange : le journalisme en 2012
André Lavoie, journaliste et critique de cinéma a présenté à la Cinémathèque québécoise du 18 au 22 janvier son projet ambitieux : un cycle de documentaires sur l’évolution du journalisme.
Fringe Arts
A Musical Chameleon
If you’ve never heard the Danish DJ’s music before, you’d probably never guess all of Anders Trentemoller’s records and compilations are done by the same man.