What do your clothes say about you? | Opinions – The Link

What do your clothes say about you?

In a world of white Air Force 1s, be a black Air Force 1

The different clothes of Concordia’s many departments. Graphic Joey Bruce

    The importance of the first back to school fit is paramount. The ratio of how big a pair of pants to how small a shirt can make or break the outfit. How the socks compliment and elevate the shoes is crucial. Making the conscious decision to accessorize or not all play a role in how you tackle your day.

    The clothes you wear on your back say a lot, and oftentimes different departments develop their own unspoken uniforms. 

    At times, Concordia can feel very divided with different majors staying in their respective buildings. The Hall building, however, is the great equalizer. Regardless of major, minor, or specialization, every Concordia student passes through Hall. It’s a fashion melting pot—and it’s where worlds collide.

    Black Air Force 1 wearers are seen as menaces to society, but in Hall, they walk in harmony with the sea of white Air Force 1s that surround them. 

    The line for the shuttle bus right outside the H building gives passersby a taste of what Loyola fashion looks like. Communication studies and journalism students stand out like a sore thumb—most notably by the thrifted clothes they wear and the pack of cigarettes sticking out of their straight-cut jeans. Science students blend in a bit more, sporting athleisure no matter the occasion. Blue jeans are also common, but they can never be ripped to follow lab safety protocol.

    Fine arts students, similar to those in communication studies and journalism, can usually be found wearing at least one thrifted item at any given time. Boxy and oversized cuts are common, as are manic pixie dream girl styles, conversely. 

    On the opposite side of the spectrum, we have the Engineering and Visual Arts building. While the visual arts students bring some excitement to the fashion seen in EV, you’re more likely to find a sea of engineering students wearing muted colours and making understated fashion decisions. Bonus points if you can spot someone wearing sandals with jeans well into the fall.

    Living in a world of their own are John Molson School of Business students. Generally, they take their unspoken uniform very seriously. On any given morning you can see business students filing in and out of MB in a suit and tie, hurriedly preparing for their next presentation. When they’re not suited up, you can easily identify them by the John Molson Competitive Committee merch—specifically the tracksuits and scarves. If they’re not a part of JMCC, then they’re wearing a classic JMSB hoodie.

    There’s one thing all Concordia students have in common, though. As soon as a crisp breeze hits Montreal, everyone breaks out their trench coats like they’re starring in their own K-drama.