Response To Green
Tsk, tsk, Aaron Green.
It surprises me that someone who values democracy over dictatorship in communist countries should come out against students who are demanding the democracy that’s been denied them by the Concordia Student Union.
Democracy is a wonderful word people love to toss around—just as long as they do not have to abide by it.
When students demand that their voice be heard and quash attempts to keep issues that directly affect them a secret, this is called democracy. Especially when such demands are directed at the people that were chosen by the students to represent their best interest—or was this not part of your definition of democracy?
When the CSU attempts to quash students’ right to knowledge regarding why an individual that they elected has stepped down while making some serious allegations against the CSU—this is called dictatorship.
No different than how dictatorial governments have simply—with the use of force as was attempted by the CSU— silenced any inquiry that make them look less than stellar.
Mr. Green, the last thing that the CSU was respecting was democracy. Calling a closed session to discuss an issue to which students DESERVE an explanation and then to invoke the aid of the police state when there is dissent…that only happens in communist countries like the former USSR, Cuba and China. And always by socialists…right? Or Harper and the G-20 protests.
To bring up that councillors work for free, or volunteer their time, is irrelevant. You are making the choice as a student to volunteer said time to represent the students. You consciously know what this work entails and that it will not lead to financial gain. But you do so, because it looks good on a resumé and a cover letter—er, I mean, the student’s interests of course.
It’s sad to see that democracy has indeed become defunct in society. With federal politics, as with student politics, people have become cynical and apathetic when they see the very people that endorse democracy piss all over it for the sake of their self-interest.
Perhaps it’s time for the CSU along with every student politico to sit down and think for 10 minutes about what democracy really means, and the reasons behind student apathy. Perhaps it’s time for student politicians to stop deflecting responsibility.
—Hector Villeda-Martinez,
Women’s Studies Major