Melissa Kate Wheeler for President | Letters – The Link

Melissa Kate Wheeler for President

If I were on a desert island—I’m talking Lost here, not Bora Bora—I’d want two things: I’d want a Swiss Army knife and I’d want Melissa Kate Wheeler. Okay, I’d probably also want sunscreen and my iPhone, but you can’t have it all. Except for with a vote for Melissa and the CSYou team.

She is not only super fun to hang with, easy to talk to, and good to look at, she is a human Swiss Army knife. Seriously, girl’s got everything. Mel is incredibly intelligent and could school most people I know on the ins and outs of Concordia Student Union policy and internal affairs.

She spent her first year being involved with the CSU as council secretary, basically soaking up all the information she could—and writing it down really really fast—so she could be an outspoken and knowledgeable member of council the following year. She is always fair, well-spoken and is respected by her fellow councillors. 

Mel is also a passionate and committed individual. Having started the Love Doesn’t Hurt campaign this year, she has dedicated herself to helping others recognize cycles of violence in relationships and provide a place for them to get help. She does these things because she genuinely just loves spreading the love. 

One of the most huggy people I know, Mel really just cares about people. She genuinely sees the best in everyone, and even in times of conflict or stress, she is able to make clear-headed decisions in the best interests of everyone, not just herself.

A vote for Melissa and her CSYou team is a vote for versatility, hugs, really fast typing skills—and a union that will work for you, represent you and respect you. 

—Maddy Griffin,
Arts and Science Federation of Associations VP Social Affairs. This article represents her own opinions, and not those of ASFA.