Melissa Kate Wheeler for President

Hello fellow undergrads,

I would simply like to say a few words regarding our upcoming Concordia Student Union elections, and in particular about presidential candidate Melissa Kate Wheeler. She may be the only candidate this year, but I would challenge you to find a better candidate for the role.

While many of you are no doubt aware of Melissa’s involvement in the Concordia community, including being one of the most vocal members of council this year, as well as heavily involved with the Love Doesn’t Hurt campaign, there are some other important things that you should know about her.

Melissa is both a smart and driven young woman, who is unafraid to stand up and fight for what she believes is right. She is also one of the single most compassionate people I know and will drop everything to help someone in need.

This young woman cares enormously about Concordia, especially its students. I have no doubt in my mind that Melissa is going to do everything in her power to defend the rights of students, and to ensure that their university experience is the best it can possibly be.

While I am certainly encouraging you to vote for Melissa and the CSYou slate in the CSU elections from March 26 to March 28, I would like each and every one of you to do more than that. Check out the CSYou slate, their ideas and their campaign. Get in touch with Melissa and voice your concerns about your university.

You are fortunate enough to have an excellent candidate in front of you; she wants to help you. Please, do not waste this opportunity; get involved, even if it simply means just asking her a quick question.

I would like to hope that we have learned, after this year, the importance of involving ourselves in our student government.

—Catherine Polson,
BA Political Science