Know Khalil

It is sometimes difficult for a student to make an informed decision about a candidate without first getting to know them personally. I would therefore like to take this opportunity to give students my opinion about Khalil Haddad, who is running for president of the Concordia Student Union with team Action.

I have had the opportunity to work closely under Khalil’s leadership over the last year as we both fulfilled our executive positions on the Concordia Undergraduate Psychology Association.

As president of CUPA, Khalil clearly demonstrated the skills of a great leader. He is organized, diligent and thorough. Most importantly, he is passionate about Concordia University and its students. He continually strives to follow through on his commitments to the students and places high value on the feedback and suggestions of others. Khalil’s mantra to empower students inspires them to become agents of change.

I sincerely believe that if Khalil Haddad were to be elected as preident of the CSU he would fulfill the role with utmost determination and integrity.

Make sure you vote for team Action on March 29, 30 and 31.

—Jessica Starck,
VP Communications, CUPA