Go Gonzo! | Letters – The Link

Go Gonzo!

As you are probably aware, Gonzalo Nieto is running in the upcoming CSU elections on the slate of Your Concordia as VP Clubs and Student Space.

As you are probably aware, Gonzalo Nieto is running in the upcoming CSU elections on the slate of Your Concordia as VP Clubs and Student Space. As someone who has worked closely with Gonzalo over the course of this past year, I feel confident in putting my support behind his candidacy.

I know Gonzalo through überculture, a Concordia-based student group that aims to re-sculpt the social dynamics of the world in which we live. Having joined in September of 2010, the impact he has had was immediately felt upon his arrival.

This year alone, Gonzo has helped with the organization of all of our monthly Really Really Free Market events, has worked to try to secure storage space for überculture (as our miniscule office is packed), was a driving force behind the WHALE assembly on the Reggie’s terrace and was a restless and passionate volunteer in regards to the campaigning done for the recent Student Centre referendum, just to name a few of the student-supporting causes to which he has lent his support.

Considering the amount of time he has spent and the precedent he has set for himself in trying to protect what student space there is while trying to secure even more student space, Gonzalo Nieto is more than qualified for the position he now seeks, and I have no qualms about endorsing him as a candidate who will do his best to protect the rights of students.

—Vincent Gabriel Hubert,
Linguistics Department