Fill an empty virtual seat with Queer Concordia

Resource centre offers online safe space for LGBTQ2S+ communities

“Feel free to drop by,” states Anastasia Caron, Queer Concordia’s event coordinator. Their new Queer Support Group is a virtual space where people can be open about how they’re currently feeling. 

Queer Concordia is an anchor for queer students every Monday afternoon. One of the feelings many people may be experiencing now is alienation. The Queer Support Group aims to help with isolation and other mental health issues disproportionately affecting LGBTQ2S+ communities. It is a safe space allowing queer people to connect, chat, and support each other through turbulent times. 

“I know the pandemic is kicking everyone’s butts—myself included—but reaching out to our queer family is something that can really help with dealing with everything,” Caron said. 

They describe Queer Concordia as a semi-club and resource centre, where queer people can seek help but also make friends. “We have fun activities but we’re also a place to come with questions and concerns,” they said.

Caron recalls attending a bisexuality workshop during their first year of university that was organized by Queer Concordia, stating it was both fun and informative for everyone. 

The Queer Support Group is an online environment where people can connect and talk about anything. 

Most of the resources offered at Queer Concordia were on campus at their office on 2100 Mackay St. People would gather, get free condoms, or have access to a small library—with a selection of fiction and other theoretical works to flip through. 

“I know the pandemic is kicking everyone’s butts—myself included—but reaching out to our queer family is something that can really help dealing with everything.” — - Anastasia Caron

Since their office is closed, people can reach out to the health and resources coordinator by email for any sort of enquiries. Queer Concordia will conduct immediate research and answer any questions people may have. 

There’s also a plan in the works for an online database, which will list a variety of resources in demand—from LGBTQ2S+ friendly doctors and therapists to retailers that provide chest binders. There will also be office hours available every day of the week via Zoom, so people can speak with a Queer Concordia coordinator. 

“We can feel like we’re alone,” Caron said. Queer people often feel alone in the university setting, but Queer Concordia stands as a reminder that there are safe spaces and resources readily available. Queer people can use these to connect and support each other.

Regardless of age, sexual orientation, and gender identity, anyone can join the Queer Support Group. Caron pointed out the support group usually has a few older people in attendance. 

“That’s the main goal of Queer Concordia: fostering community,” they said.

This article originally appeared in The Gender & Sexuality Issue, published March 10, 2021.