Consent Training Now Mandatory For All ASFA Employees | News – The Link

Consent Training Now Mandatory For All ASFA Employees

Training Follows Policy for Executives and Councillors

All ASFA employees will have to undergo mandatory consent training effective immediately. File Photo Laura Lalonde

    Consent training for all employees of the Arts and Science Federation of Association has been implemented after a council meeting Thursday night.

    “[Employees] are put in a position of power if they are at the office or by what they’re doing, and they should be aware of how consent works,” said Elliott Boulanger, ASFA’s Internal Affairs and Administration Officer.

    Within the next two months, all ASFA employees, like their office manager, office clerks, minute keeper, and the chairperson will have to undergo mandatory consent training by the Dean of Students office.

    The training follows ASFA’s anti-harassment and anti-violence policy, which demand executives, representatives, and councillors undergo mandatory sensitivity training.

    Created in October 2018, the policy was created with the aim to eliminate all forms of discrimination, harassment, and violence within the ASFA community and to hold members of ASFA accountable for their actions.

    Employee consent training is included in that policy, though they won’t follow the exact same training provided for executives, councillors, and representatives.

    Staff training will be provided by the Dean of Students, also the training provider for all other ASFA members. Nicholas Gertler, a councillor at ASFA explained that this way there won’t be any miscommunication between consent training and its regulations.

    “There’s no confusion as to what does or does not constitute a consent training, [when] administered by us,“ said Gertler.

    If an employee fails to attend the consent training, sanctions will be decided by ASFA executives within the next council meeting.

    The previous edition of this article misspelled Elliott Boulanger’s name. We have updated the article with the proper spelling. The Link regrets this error