Concordia’s New Fine Arts Magazine | Fringe Arts – The Link

Concordia’s New Fine Arts Magazine

Interfold Wants Your Art

“matt” by Anthony Vieira, Interfold’s featured artist of the month.

    Browsing Concordia’s agenda back in September, Bella Giancotta noticed a description of Folio, a fine arts magazine run for and by McGill students. In spite of Concordia’s internationally renowned Fine Arts program—and McGill’s lack of such a faculty altogether—she realized this school has no such publication.

    “I asked myself, ‘Why don’t we have something that really brings together the awesome program we have here?,’” Giancotta recalled. “We need to show off what Concordia has.”

    Thus, the idea for Interfold was born.

    Now the Editor-in-Chief of the publication, Giancotta is working with a core group on launching the first edition in January. The magazine will contain a wide variety of visual art forms with a few short articles interspersed, all of which are curated around a specific theme. The result will be a bi-annual, full-colour multimedia periodical.

    A multidisciplinary focus was key for Giancotta during the magazine’s development; anything from photography to sculpture to fiber work is welcome to adorn Interfold’s pages. In addition to the print edition, more content will be regularly available online, such as videos and audio recordings.

    Giancotta and her team of editors aim to change the way Concordia’s communities interact.

    “I feel like this project might allow for more interconnection within the fine arts community. […] Unless you have a class with [some of] these people, you don’t really get to see their work,” she said. “We want this magazine to be everything coming together within the faculty.”

    Outside the faculty, Interfold hopes to help students explore and celebrate the art that Concordia has to offer, creating a rich archive of work in the process. It’s not exclusive to Fine Arts students either—Giancotta welcomes work from every faculty on campus.

    Interfold is now welcoming submissions on the theme ‘boundaries and confines.’ Artists or writers interested in having their work featured are asked to send photographs, a short description of themselves and their work to by Nov. 1. more info

    The Link originally reported Interfold was Concordia’s first Fine Arts Magazine. This is not the case, there have been publications in the past. The Link regrets the error.