Concordia’s Co-Op Turns 10 | Fringe Arts – The Link

Concordia’s Co-Op Turns 10

Local Legends Reading Series Comes to Town

Sophie Yanow
Rae Spoon
Daniel Allen Cox
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It’s time for some shenanigans of the literary variety. To celebrate the Concordia Community Solidarity Co-op Bookstore’s tenth anniversary, the shop has invited local authors to read from their most recent releases and join the party.
The Link asked some of the authors to describe what you might expect at their performances. So, forget scraping your eyes over academic readings and stop by 2150 Bishop St. to let someone else read to you for a change.

Basement of Wolves
Oct. 10, 7:00 p.m.
“I’ll be reading new stuff, and debuting older material I haven’t read before. The vibe will be love for Larissa ‘LitPimp’ Dutil, without whom these past ten years would’ve been like the Dark Ages—minus the orgies.”
—Daniel Allen Cox

Colosse Comics Collective Multimedia Reading
Oct. 17, 7:00 p.m.
“Julie Delporte and Sophie Yanow will read aloud from projected poetic autobiographical comics. Expect laughter, mania.  Most, if not all, cards laid on the table. Stories about struggle. Simple moments. Possibly the most honest thing you’ll do all week.”
—Sophie Yanow

The Lava in My Bones
Oct. 24, 7:00 p.m.
“The Lava in My Bones is a magic-realist novel about a man who eats rocks, an elusive lover in drag, a girl who sweats honey, and a Pentecostal mother on the rampage.”
—Berry Webster

What I LOVE about being QUEER
Oct. 27, 7:00 p.m.
“The event is a screening of my new short film called What I LOVE About Being QUEER which features 34 beautiful, mostly-Canadian queers tackling this complicated question.
Attendees who identify as queer will also have the opportunity participate in the online extension/community project by having their photo taken and writing down what they love about being queer.
Their answers will then
get uploaded to!”
—Vivek Shraya

First Spring Grass Fire
Nov. 5, 7:00 p.m.
“Transgender singer-songwriter Rae Spoon will tell stories from their first book and perform acoustic songs. First Spring Grass Fire is a candid, powerful story about a young person growing up queer in a strict Pentecostal family in Alberta.”  
—Rae Spoon