All letters to the editor must be signed and must include your phone number and student ID number. We verify the identities of all of our letter writers. Letters must be 400 words or less, and must not contain sexist, racist, homophobic, xenophobic, or otherwise discriminatory comments. The Link reserves the right to refuse letters with questionable or unacceptable comments. Send your letters to letters@thelinknewspaper.ca.
Letter: I’m No Different Than You!
I have a visible disability. Therefore, I’m viewed as a runaway zoo animal.
Letter:I Gave the Wrong People a Platform
I’d like to make an apology and draw attention to an article I wrote earlier on in the semester about Corey Fleisher, a well-known Montrealer who erases swastikas around the city.
Letter: Proposed GSA Bylaw Changes Mean Less Accountability
The Concordia Graduate Students Association called a General Assembly for April 6 which proposes bylaw changes.
Letter: Concordia’s Library Staff Are Still Underpaid
Not mentioned at the event, however, was that during this same period library staff have been forced to take a major pay cut, the direct result of the same Liberal government’s new pension bill and Concordia’s management priorities.
Letter: ASFA Asks You to Vote Yes
While you are voting for your next ASFA representatives, you will also be asked a series of referendum questions. We ask you to vote yes to all four.
Letter: A Response to the Philosophy Department’s Sexual Misconduct Allegations
The Graduate Philosophy Students’ Association expresses our support for the victims of these incidents and all sexual violence.
Letter: Vote Speak Up On March 27-28-29
Having been both an executive and employee at the CSU, I understand the sense of responsibility and reliability that is required in the position and believe that the only team that is truly up for this challenge is Speak Up.
Letter: Experiencing Montreal As an International Student
I was determined to study at some point in a Canadian university.
Letter: Julia Sutera Sardo Addresses Arts and Science Students
While this political journey has been absolutely rewarding, I have realized that I need to take some time for myself before I go off to law school in the fall.