The Link’s Workshop Series: Privacy, News Writing and Drawing

The Link hosts journalism-related workshops every week. Come by the office (1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. W. H-649), they’re free.

Here are events coming up in March 2016.

Internet Privacy

How do you protect your data and sources from government spies? Come learn about internet privacy at our encrypting workshop on Friday, March 4 @ 5 p.m. with The Link’s tech saviour Cleve Higgins. Bring a laptop and/or smartphone!

News vs Current Affairs Writing

Join The Link’s news team on Friday, March 11 @ 5 p.m. to discuss how to write ledes, cover panels and talks, report on protests, and write a dope feature that’ll have readers weeping by the conclusion.

Portraiture Draw Jam

Drawing isn’t just for hoity-toity art students, everyone can be a graphics contributor! It’s not scary, we promise. Come loosen up on Wednesday, March 16 @ 3 p.m. with a guided afternoon live-model-jam featuring our graphics editor Madeleine Gendreau. Bring paper, bring a model (?), bring yourself.

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