Montreal Zombie Walk 2015 | FringeBlog – The Link

Montreal Zombie Walk 2015

Eerie music and menacing groans filled the streets of Montreal on a grey Saturday afternoon. Thousands creeped down the pavement, each more terrifying than the last. It was Halloween, and thus time for Montreal’s fifth annual Zombie Walk.

The event began at 1:00 p.m. at Place des Festivals du Quartier des spectacles, where the crowd of zombies—be it a TV show or movie character, celebrity, athlete, fairytale figure, animal, or a bizarre miscellaneous persona—gathered to get make up, eat and drink, play games, and prepare for the big march.

The walk began at 4:00 p.m. and had viewers crowding the sidewalks in awe as one spectacular costume passed after another. Circling back around to the starting point by 5:15 p.m., the ghoulish crowd was treated to an after-party with music, drinks, and food, which included delicious brains.

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