By-election: Who’s running and how to vote | LinkBlog – The Link

By-election: Who’s running and how to vote

The Link's by-election will take place Nov. 9. at 5 p.m. EST over Zoom. Here's who's running and how to vote.

Co-News Editors
Mohammad Khan
Jaime Kerr

Their cover letters and portfolios can be viewed here. Voters are encouraged to read these ahead of time.

All staff members can vote in the election. To be considered staff, students must have contributed four times to four separate issues.

The following people are staff: Nanor Froundjian, Sheena Macmillan, Elias Grigoriadis, Joey Bruce, Olivia Piché, Peter Vryonis, Aude Simon, Caroline Marsh, Gabriela Vasquez-Rondon, Mariana Chajon Oliveros, Reina Ephrahim, Noemi Stella Mazurek, Jaime Kerr, Bri Kang, Eva Wilson, Sophie Dufresne, Kendra Sharp, Marie-Ève Ducharme, Maria Chabelnik, Amanda Teixeira, Diane Yeung

The following people need one contribution to become staff and run or vote: Allyson Brownie, Evan Milner, Marianne Liendo-Dufort, Hannah Sabourin, Eric Pahmer, Mohammad Khan

The following people need two contributions to become staff and run or vote: Aida Karkas, Anthony Jean-Louis, Charlie-Yoko McDonald, Conor Tomalty, Dylan Buvat, Elisabeth Ndeffo, Shanellie Desparois, Thomas Quinn, Meghan Kerr, Esteban Cuevas

Today: Who’s running and how to vote in the by-election »

« Reminder: By-Election for co-news editors to be held Nov. 9