Application and Eligibility for The Link’s By-Election (Vol. 40) | LinkBlog – The Link

Application and Eligibility for The Link’s By-Election (Vol. 40)

The Link is looking for looking for passionate journalists and artists to fill our open positions for two co-news editors, a copy editor, and a photo editor, and will be running a by-election on Oct. 15 at 5 p.m. in our office.

If you would like to apply, drop off a letter explaining what you’ve got to bring to the team and attach three of your best Link articles for us on on the board in our main room, one week before the election at 4 p.m. on Oct. 8.

Two Co-News Editors
Direct the news production for our website. Get to know every inch of Concordia and its politics. Write breaking news, hold people accountable and chase the truth.

Copy Editor
Keep articles out of synonym hell and catch the mistakes, big and small. Make the dull stories exciting and the exciting stories even better.

Photo Editor
Capture Concordia life. Snap photos of Stingers games, protests and everything in between. Manage a team of contributors and kill it on Photoshop.

To be eligible, individuals must have contributed four times to four separate issues. Questions can be directed to

Who’s eligible to apply and vote: Aiden Locke, Abegail Renaudo, Bree Rockbrand, Caroline Marsh, Esteban Cuevas, Louis Pringle, Maggie McCutcheon, Olivier Neven, Raguvarman Raguparan, Sam Boafo, Thomas Delbano, Victor Depois, Wala Amara, Ireland Compton, Dustin Kagan-Fleming, Olivier Cadotte, Erika Morris, Victoria Lamas, Nanor Froundjian, Caitlin Yardley, Breea Kobernick, Aysha White, April Tardif Levesque, John Ngala, Elias Grigoriadis.

One contribution needed to apply and vote: Cassidy MacDonald, Max Chorney.

Two contributions needed to apply and vote: Gabrielle Mulholland, Marcus Bankuti, Maxime Cadotte, Oseremen Irete, Rowan Kennedy.

Three contributions needed to apply and vote: Alexandre Denis, Ana Lucia Londono Flores, Angelina Kovacic, Betsy-May Smith, Chantal Marie, Diamanta Lachapelle, Ion Etxebarria, Jessica Barille, Jessica Lee, Joey Bruce, Katharine Amyotte, Kayleigh Valentine, Lazaros Kalipolidis, Marian Rebeiro, Olivier du Ruisseau, Olivier Laurin, Samantha Candido, Sheena MacMillan, Sheida Shamloo, Skye Legault, Taliesen Herb, Valen Mamchur.

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« PBHT 156: The “Draft Day” Edition (ft. Oseremen Irete)