Reminder: Who’s running and how to vote on March 25 | LinkBlog – The Link

Reminder: Who’s running and how to vote on March 25

The Link's by-election will take place tomorrow, March 25, at 4 p.m. over Zoom. Here's who's running and how to vote:

Sheena Macmillan

Coordinating Editor
Elias Grigoriadis

Managing Editor
Nanor Froundjian

Features Editor
Mariana Chajon Oliveros

Co-news Editor (2)
Michelle Malnasi
Parker Sherry

Opinions Editor
Gabriela Vasquez-Rondon

Copy Editor
Reina Ephrahim

Fringe Arts Editor
Olivia Piché

Sports Editor
Benjamin Zelniker
Peter Vryonis

Creative Director
Ray Resvick

Photo Editor
Caroline Marsh

Video Editor
Aude Simon

Graphics Editor
Joey Bruce

All candidacy packages can be viewed here. Voters are encouraged to read these ahead of time.

All staff members can vote in the election. Anyone can attend, but participants must register to receive the Zoom link. Here is the registration form.

To be considered staff, students must have contributed four times to four separate issues. The following people are staff: Nanor Froundjian, Marcus Bankuti, Sheena Macmillan, Elias Grigoriadis, April Tardif-Levesque, Alexandre Denis, Ray Resvick, Joey Bruce, Nicholas Dundorf, Esteban Cuevas, Olivier Neven, Michelle Malnasi, Mzwandile Poncana, Olivia Piché, Evan Milner, Parker Sherry, Peter Vryonis, Aida Karkas, Aude Simon, Benjamin Zeiniker, Caroline Marsh, Dylan Buvat, Gabriela Vasquez-Rondon, Mariana Chajon Oliveros, Reina Ephraim, Philippe Champagne

The following people need one contribution in order to become staff and vote: Abegail Ranaudo, Maria Chabelnik, Matthew Skelhorme, Morgan Moakler Jessiman, Noemie Stella Mazurek. These contributions must be published by 3:59 p.m. March 25.

Conseil de presse decision on Dossier D2020-03-035 »

« Masthead elections 2021: Who’s running and how to vote on March 25