Voting Matters | Letters – The Link

Voting Matters

    As young adults trying to make our way through university, we are constantly overwhelmed with obligations and commitments that consistently push us to the limit.

    As a result, many students find it convenient to remove themselves from student politics and concentrate on their studies. While understandable, I believe that a strong student democracy improves student life, and that responsibility starts with you.

    Every year, every student pays hundreds of dollars in fee levies that support various student groups and associations at Concordia. Student associations, such as ASFA, are included in these fee levies. In return for our support, they provide us with a vibrant campus life that adds to the Concordia University experience.

    Who are these people, you might ask? They are students like you, elected by the students, and work very hard to make Concordia student life the best it can be.

    Despite their hard work, however, these individuals need to be held accountable. Their ideas are and should be debated amongst the students, and everyone should have input as to what the priorities of student government should be. While the newspapers at Concordia play a part in such accountability, each student plays the most important part through their vote.

    Voting is not only your right, but also your responsibility. Every student has a stake in Concordia student life, and students should not forfeit their voice because it’s convenient to do so.

    These associations have budgets ranging from thousands to millions of dollars in student money, and it’s vital that you have a voice in how it’s spent. When students choose to ignore this responsibility, they give up the opportunity to demonstrate the power and strength of this amazing student body we have here at Concordia. I highly encourage all students to learn more about the various candidates and to make their voice heard on Election Day next week on Tuesday, Oct. 12 and Wednesday Oct. 13 from 10:00 a.m to 6:00 p.m.

    See what these candidates want to accomplish in ASFA and how these ideas ultimately affect your university experience. Be strong and active. Don’t let others silence your voice because you chose not to vote. Together, we can start turning Concordia student democracy into a pillar of student life that we can all be proud of.

    —Nicolas Cuillerier,
    ASFA Chief Electoral Officer

    This article originally appeared in Volume 31, Issue 09, published October 12, 2010.