Run for Council

Have you ever heard of the Concordia Student Union?

That’s your association, which represents all undergraduates at Concordia University.

As undergrads, we all pay into the CSU, as well as to our respective faculty associations on campus.

These associations organize events, provide services, fund special projects, run campaigns and finance clubs, associations and societies.

In addition to their contributions to student life on campus, they also are responsible for appointing representatives to the important university bodies that make decisions regarding curricula and other academic matters that affect students directly.

One example is the university Senate, the highest decision-making body of the school, where I have had the privilege of holding a seat for the past year-and-a-half.

Unfortunately, this year hasn’t been the best for student representation at our university. To be specific, I am referring to the CSU.

I haven’t been shy over the past months to criticize the actions of our student representatives (or the lack thereof), whether it be on council or on the executive.

I can completely understand students being disillusioned by the pertinence of the union, considering the way many things have played out this year.

However, I am not writing this letter to criticize our student union. I am writing this letter because I believe that students deserve better and because I know that the CSU has the potential to improve and grow over the course of the next year.

Elections are just around the corner, polling starts at the end of March and the CSU needs fresh new faces to sit on council.

If you want to learn more about your university; if you want to contribute to student life, then you should consider getting involved with the CSU next year. If you are willing to criticize, question and share your ideas to make the CSU better for students, you should consider running as a councillor in the upcoming elections.

For more information about how the CSU works, and the possibilities for your involvement, send me a tweet @melhotchkiss.

—Melanie Hotchkiss,
Undergraduate Senator