The People’s Kafuffle
Every day at the People’s Potato, announcements are made.
The seventh floor of the Hall Building rings out with very useful information about workshops, lectures, services and—most importantly—the menu of that day’s free vegan meal. And sometimes, on special days, people sing.
But not once have I heard these announcements properly.
People will literally talk throughout the entire speech. I know that a full minute can be an unmanageable amount of time to pay attention, but please people—shut the fuck up. Be respectful.
I hate shushing people. I am a loud person myself, and in my experience, being shushed feels like a personal attack from a silence-fascist. But every day, without fail, I am at the
People’s Potato, and I am shushing. And not passive aggressively shushing, either. I look you in the eye and demand silence.
I seriously do not understand. Some people have allergies; they need to listen to the ingredients list. Isn’t respect one of the first things you learn about in preschool? The concept is quite simple! The announcements are there for you, about interesting things that can help you, so you should listen up.
And even if you don’t care about the free lectures and workshops, have some respect for the people who have busted their asses to provide you with the free meal you are about to enjoy. It’s the _People’s Potato_—and there’s no I in ‘people.’ (Or ‘potato.’).