Letter: End ASFA Rape Culture, Vote Mariah Gillis

ASFA rape culture. Concordia has heard this phrase and other variations of it a lot this past year. As an involved arts and science student and executive of a student association, it has brought shame to those I try to represent, and this is an issue, to say the least. Since the last (failed) attempt of the ASFA elections, a different direction was taken towards creating a safer space, including effective educational and fun activities around campus. This change has been the best thing possible for ASFA and has been largely initiated by the current Support Change team, with Mariah Gillis currently running in the ASFA elections. 

I have specifically worked with Mariah multiple times and cannot give her enough praise. This woman has re-energized ASFA since she was elected as independent councillor. She was one of the amazing people who pulled off this year’s Launch Week, and continues to fight for safer spaces. Before getting involved at ASFA, she was an exec of the Urban Planning Association, and I shared an office with her. Mariah was the only person that was in the office more than I was. She shows dedication rarely seen these days. I urge you to learn about who is going to represent you as an arts and science student next year. Mariah Gillis is already involved in the positive change that is happening on campus, so lets keep this momentum! I urge you to go and vote for Mariah Gillis for VP Internal on October 20, 21 and 22.

Genevieve Nadeau Bonin, VP Finance GUSS and CSU Councillor