Alum Writ | Fringe Arts – The Link

Alum Writ

The Drunken Sky

Graphic Alex Manley

    Unable to properly close the window of the cabin
    I imagine the big bruised sky

    drunk or in a terror rushing in
    rushing in to tell me all about

    the clouds it had been that day,
    nimbus and cumulus formations,

    how it felt to turn from dusty blue
    to azure to dark gray

    all in an instant, the turn of a thought,
    drinking all day and

    drunk or in a terror, rains down on me,
    a harsh look, making comments about how

    its life, the sky’s life,
    all huge and distilled,

    an arrow,
    can pierce my life in an instant.

    The sky, all drunk with terror,
    or just drunk rushes in,

    rushes into my cabin
    the window faulty on its hinges,

    rattles from the sky’s sighing,
    rattles in the night.

    Jillian Boyd graduated from Concordia Spring 2010 with Joint Honors in English and Creative writing.

    This article originally appeared in Volume 31, Issue 19, published January 18, 2011.