Vote Chuck Wilson

Since Chuck Wilson joined Space Concordia as the Project Manager for our satellite design competition, he and I have had some absolutely thunderous arguments. We usually debate a wide variety of issues: is the oxford comma useful (it isn’t); should a first-year Computer Engineering project focus on hovercrafts or robotics (robotics); and whether Romeo and Juliet is more tragic because they both die (it is).

Chuck is always up for debate. I can’t think of a single topic where he doesn’t hold a well-reasoned opinion. Though we may disagree on some issues, I’ve not yet met another student who is able to speak with as much thoughtful conviction and poise. This is Chuck’s core: diligent passion – the ability to think critically while caring deeply.

As an engineer, he cultivates this critical reasoning. In managing Space Concordia’s satellite project, he is my go-to guy when I have a design question or need to make sure a subsystem team is on track. I can always rely on him to make the tough decisions or take up an original viewpoint. His discipline and engineering instinct give him a critical mind that helps drive our project.

But he’s not only an engineer. He’s an artist, too. Right after an absurdly difficult week at Space Concordia, he gave an intricate hour-long performance in a percussion show in his native Ottawa. When I asked him how he ever got the time to practice with his group, he said, “Oh, I just picked it up with them when I got there.” He got there in the morning, and the show was in the afternoon. As someone who doesn’t know the first thing about performance art, I don’t know how anyone could pick up on the group’s synchronization that quickly, except that it comes from an innate passion; this passion comes naturally to Chuck and exhibits itself in his daily routine.

As VP Academic and Advocacy for the CSU, Chuck Wilson will argue passionately and rationally for students. If you don’t believe me, just go ask him. Challenge him on an issue and you’ll see the passionate reasoning I’m talking about. Chuck is easy to find: he’ll be the one with the beard, the spirited gestures, and the ideas.

Nicholas Sweet
President Space Concordia