Understand your academic rights

Answers to students’ frequently asked questions

Photo Caroline Marsh

Concordia’s bureaucracy can make it difficult for students to know where to turn when an issue arises. To help, here is a list of common academic concerns and how to resolve them. 

Am I allowed to repeat a class? 
According to the 2024-2025 Undergraduate Calendar, students are allowed to repeat a class they failed only once, but they may appeal to a Student Request Committee to be allowed to take the course a third time. A student who has received credits for a class may also repeat the class once. All grades will appear on their transcript, but only the grade received on the latest attempt will be used to calculate the student’s cumulative grade point average (CGPA). This is with the exception of grades awarded due to academic misconduct, which will be calculated into the CGPA nonetheless. 

What if I can’t make it to a final exam?
The 2024-2025 Undergraduate Calendar indicates that if a student encounters “unforeseen circumstances beyond [their] control,” such as a severe illness, injury or the recent death of a close family member, they are allowed to apply to defer their final exam. If a student decides to complete a final exam despite feeling unwell, the exam can no longer be deferred. After missing an exam, students can apply to defer it online or fill out the Request for Deferred Notation form and give it to the Birks Student Service Centre. A student can apply to defer an exam a total of three times throughout their undergraduate or independent studies. 

What can I do if I want to contest a grade?
If a student believes a grade was miscalculated or that the grade they were awarded was demonstrably unfair, they should first try to bring up their concerns to their instructor. However, if a student is unable to reach their instructor or if they are still unsatisfied, they are allowed to request a re-evaluation by filling out an Academic Re-evaluation Request form at the Birks Student Service Centre. The student’s department chair will evaluate if the request conforms with the re-evaluation criteria and, if the chair finds that it does, they will appoint a re-evaluator to assign a new grade.

What can I do if a professor’s behaviour is inappropriate?
All members of Concordia University, whether students, staff or faculty, are required to follow the Code of Rights and Responsibilities. The code strictly prohibits threatening or violent conduct, sexual violence and sexual assault, harassment and discrimination. If a university member’s behaviour violates the code, a student can contact the Office of Rights and Responsibilities for anonymous counsel and support in informally resolving an issue or in launching a formal complaint. If a student witnesses or is a victim of sexual violence or misconduct, they should reach out to the Sexual Assault Resource Centre for help.

I’ve been accused of academic misconduct. What can I do? 
Students may receive an invite to an interview to share their side of the story. It is recommended that students seek the help of an advocate from the Student Advocacy Office or the Concordia Student Union Advocacy Centre to prepare for their interview, but students may represent themselves if they wish. Following the interview, a decision will be sent by mail or e-mail. If the student is found to not have breached the Academic Code of Conduct, the case will be dismissed. If the student is found in violation of the code, sanctions can be applied. Sanctions range from a reprimand to failure of the course or the imposition of additional credits to the student program requirements. Decisions can be contested by contacting the Office of Student Tribunals up to 10 days after the decision. 

This article originally appeared in Volume 45, Issue 1, published September 3, 2024.