Speak up on V-Day
Tired of feeling lonely on Valentine’s Day?
Tired of the cold, distant attitude of the Board of Governors? Tired of not knowing what’s going on at Concordia? Tired of constant tuition increases and cuts to education? If you feel like sharing the love, sharing your voice, making collective decisions to freeze tuition, sending the Board of Governors a hearty message on Valentine’s Day, or just peacefully and productively heating up the debate with fellow students and other members of the university community, come heat-up, eat-up and speak-up outdoors at a Valentine’s Day Action from students to the Board of Governors!
Because speaking your voice is hot. Because direct democracy is hot. Because collective decisions are hot.
Because student empowerment is hot. Because undergrads and grads together with a common goal are hot.
Students, faculty, staff, the university community: This Valentine’s Day, don’t be a lonely fish in the big blue sea.
Join the WHALE—the Wintry Hot Accessible Love-in for Education Feb. 14 at 11:30 a.m. at the Hall Building Terrasse. Heaters and hot food will be provided.
The event will be organized by Free Education Montreal and the Graduate Students’ Association.
—Nadia Hausfather,
Free Education Montreal and the
Graduate Students’ Association
This article originally appeared in Volume 31, Issue 21, published February 1, 2011.