Promotion Not Exploitation

In reaction to the two “Letters to the Editor” published in Vol. 32, Issue 6 of The Link on Oct. 4— I, as the writer of the article in question “Porn With a Purpose” would just like to make a clarification.

While certain people may believe women are being used as mere sex objects who are exploited by PETA, these women are willingly using their bodies to promote a worthy cause and to become a voice for the voiceless.

According to the Food and Culture Encyclopedia, the percentage of vegetarians in Canada and the United States is about one per cent of the population. This is a very small minority of people who are going against a majority of people who have been bred into thinking that using animals for food, clothing and so forth are acceptable.

For those vegetarians who wish to speak out against the suffering of animals, it is necessary to create shockwaves, or else no one will listen or pay animal activists any attention.

I could stand on Ste. Catherine St. and distribute copies of books such as Peter Singer’s Animal Liberation or Gary L. Francione’s Rain Without Thunder: Ideology of the Animal Rights Movement. However, I am highly doubtful most people would take the time or have the patience to read these two thought-provoking and highly recommended books.

PETA understands that the majority of people will not bother reading books or pamphlets. Instead, the organization makes use of tactics such as awareness campaigns that will reach a large number of people quickly. While PETA does use some sex advertising, their intention is to use it as a means to draw people’s attention to animal rights issues.

People enjoy living an “ignorance is bliss” lifestyle; we buy meat in clean styrofoam trays without even giving a second thought to the animal that gave up its life for someone’s supper. PETA is stepping in and refusing to let people be ignorant about animal suffering. As I stated in my article, PETA will use any and all means to try to help increase awareness about the lives of our fellow animals.

Frankly, if I was given the option between going nude or having to wear the skin or fur of a murdered animal, I would—without a doubt—go nude. Wearing fur and leather is wrong and revolting.

As PETA would say: “Be comfortable in your skin and let the animals keep theirs.”

—Erika Heales
BA Journalism