Melissa Kate Wheeler for CSU President

With the student union elections right around the corner, I felt it important to introduce you to, and express my support for, CSYou presidential candidate Melissa Kate Wheeler.

Melissa and I originally met while working for the same company, and I felt compelled to get to know her right away.

Anyone who has met this lovely lady has definitely felt the same; she has the ability to converse in a way that you know you’re being heard and understood, a trait lacking in current politics.

Working with her has given me the opportunity to get to know her professional ethic, and the word I would use to describe it is assiduous. She manages to balance school, work and campaigns and is dedicated to all three.

A great example of this work would be her public education and awareness campaign Love Doesn’t Hurt. She is willing to do anything for what she believes in and she believes in an honest and hard working Concordia Student Union.

Reading the CSYou ’s platform will give you a great idea of what Melissa has in store for Concordia and what she wants to see, which are positive, sustainable projects that future Concordia students can also benefit from.

She has been involved with the union for two years, giving her the experience necessary to accomplish these plans efficiently.

She is also scrupulous about accurately representing the needs and voices of all Concordia students.

While two campuses could be daunting for an inexperienced CSU leader, Melissa also has a way of getting people together and I have confidence in her plans to strengthen the relationship between the Sir George Williams and Loyola campuses.

On a more personal note, I feel it’s important to mention how amicable Melissa is. Concordia students should have a president they feel they can approach with ideas and projects. Melissa is that girl.

Students of Concordia, I implore you to do your research and read the CSYou platform, and if you’re still undecided, invite Melissa out for tea.

— Annastacia Acheson Sebek,
Independent Student