Fed Up With Food


If you have your classes at the downtown campus, you have a lot of options for affordable grub. There are cheap burritos across the street, sushi, or pretty much anything you want.

But, if you are marooned at the Loyola campus the pickings are pretty slim—especially if you have evening classes.

I get so pissed off when my choices are an inexpensive but uninspiring flat grilled cheese sandwich from the dears at the G Lounge, cafeteria food or, if I have 15 minutes to grab my snack and wolf it down (which is typical), the little café’s in the various campus buildings.

But I experienced the ultimate insult today, when I swallowed my pride and bellied up to buy a $3 cookie and a $2 yogurt—the establishment wanted to charge me an extra 25 cents for the privilege of using my bankcard to pay! Are you kidding me? You gouge me on a pastry and then you want me to cough up more cash?

How can we be so complacent about the fact that our university administrators are allowing corporations to come into our hallways and get rich with such obviously inflated prices off students who are fighting tooth and nail to keep the tuitions down? How can we not think this is a big deal?

Why isn’t it a policy to keep corporate business at arm’s length? Why aren’t these café spaces student-run or at the very least university run? Put the money back into the school, don’t let the Kevin O’Leary’s of the world stuff it under their mattresses as they laugh in our faces.

At least give us options that make sense.

—Celia Ste. Croix
BA Journalism