A Catalyst For Change? | Letters – The Link

A Catalyst For Change?

I am writing to you concerning the recent resignation of CSU VP Sustainability & Promotions Morgan Pudwell.

As a current CSU councillor, I have had the pleasure of working with Morgan this past year and can say without hesitation that she represented a model of commitment and dedication to students’ interests (something the rest of the CSU executive could take a lesson from).

As such, it is sad to see her go. While I wish it weren’t true, the description of the current state of affairs of our union found in her resignation letter is a clear and accurate picture.

Numerous councillors, myself included, can confirm having had experiences similar to those described by Morgan with respect to the operations of our union.

I would like to commend Morgan for her courage in speaking up about these issues and sincerely hope that her actions serve as a catalyst for change. As for Morgan, may she succeed in all her future endeavours.

—Michaela Manson,
ASFA Councillor

This article originally appeared in Volume 31, Issue 25, published March 8, 2011.