‘Who is Action Kidding?’

Can someone please explain to me what lollipops and pens have to do with running a student union? Really? Who is Action kidding?

I’ll be honest; I’m generally distrustful of anyone who wants anything to do with the CSU. But I at least appreciate it when a team makes an effort to act like they care about representation. I mean, at least try!

If I’m going to have to be harassed by anyone, at least try to make it pleasant the way Your Concordia has. If you’re going to interrupt me, at least give me something to think about. Does yelling out “HI, HELLO, VOTE FOR ACTION! HAVE A NICE DAY!” in a sing-song chorus on the Mezz actually work for anyone?

The times I’ve been approached, and actually had the chance to ask a question about issues, all Action people can tell me is, “go to our website.”


Let’s not forget their class speeches. This is a shout out to that blonde girl from Action who came into three of my classes to ramble on about parties. Thanks for that. I really appreciate it. Again, the other team at least had substance. Though, why are either of them even allowed to interrupt classes?

I’m horrified that we attend a school where giving out branded pens and candy is considered a legitimate
means to the presidency of the student union. I had no intention of voting before, but Action’s genius marketing strategies have pushed at least one student to vote against them.

—Jessie Thavonekham, Fine Arts

This article originally appeared in Volume 31, Issue 28, published March 29, 2011.