CSU Internal Coordinator Resigns Amid ‘Toxic’ Work Environment

Princess Somefun Leaving Executive Team by End of Month

Princess Somefun left council immediately after resigning from her post as the CSU’s Internal Coordinator. File Photo Brian Lapuz

The Concordia Student Union’s Internal Coordinator Princess Somefun resigned at a council meeting Wednesday night due to a toxic environment.

Standing in front of council, Somefun said that the recording and publishing of a closed-session consent training was “just the tip” of her reason to resign.

She also described incidents where people had written letters to media describing her ethnic background, naming her in facebook videos, and group chats in which people tried to make her seem “unhinged.”

“Those words have essentially defined the seven months I have been the Internal Affairs Coordinator at the CSU,” said Somefun.

“Because of an event where I stood up for myself and for other people like me, I had to make myself small. I had to avoid coming to council,” said Somefun. “I am running into situations where I can no longer do my job and protect my sanity.”

Somefun said she’s started bringing forward legal complaints with the Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail, claiming her time at the CSU has been riddled with psychological harassment.

“To be frank, the union that claims it wants to empower marginalized and racialized folks has let me down due to their negligence,” she said at council.

She’s demanding the CSU continue its proceedings with the matter by not involving anyone who took part in the described events in the process, and that an independent mediator versed in labour laws evaluate the “Laws broken and rights of [hers] that were violated.”

Somefun said she had to give up projects like renovations for club spaces and writing equity policies due to her poor working conditions.

“At the end of the day institutions like the CSU cannot keep on speaking about inclusion and giving marginalized and racialized peoples like myself a seat at the table without the adequate policies, structures,” she said. “We say that the pen is mightier than the sword, so where has the CSU been for seven months?”

“I have sat, waited, and trusted a process—a legal system that I shouldn’t be surprised has let me down again, and again, and again.”

Her resignation will be effective as of March 29, 2019.

This article will be updated as more information becomes available