Lifestyle Proposal

There is a debate—albeit a calm one—happening amongst the staff here at The Link. Before my arrival as Sports editor, the decision was made to create a new section titled Lifestyle for the next volume, and move sports news and stats online. The Lifestyle section would be made to include long-form feature sports articles.
This seems like a good idea in terms of practicality when keeping Stingers fans up to date on a daily basis, but the printed section would have to continue to be called Sports.

However, as the new editor of the still amorphous Lifestyle section, I am presented with an opportunity to provide new and interesting content pertaining to activities related to students and Montreal life.
I’ve realized something during my time as a competitive and generally physically active person: it’s not about the winning or even the taking part—it’s about enjoying what you do.

But what is “it” exactly? The abbreviated answer is that “it” is everything—life, health, happiness, satisfaction… take your pick.

Not to deny that professional athletes and their weekend warrior counterparts’ approach have their merits, but there is more than one type of personal best, and there is more than one type of triumph.

So to those who won’t compromise on enjoyment, this is a call for feedback. What would you like to see in a Lifestyle section? What kind of content would you be interested in?

If you have questions, comments, suggestions, or would like to contribute, please email me at

This article originally appeared in Volume 31, Issue 29, published April 5, 2011.