Letter: Give CURE a Fee-levy

Vote YES to the CURE fee levy question!

As an undergraduate student, I’ve often been frustrated with the prospect of putting hours upon hours of work into projects and papers that will, for all intents and purposes, be read once and then proceed to gather dust on a professor’s shelf. Luckily, I found out about the Community-University Research Exchange (CURE) early on and have since made every attempt to find a way to turn my term papers into CURE projects.

I’ve completed three such projects (one of which was a collective project put together by everyone in a 400-level seminar) and can honestly say it is some of the most rewarding and engaging experiences I’ve had in university! CURE gives students an incredible opportunity to do meaningful work for local grassroots organizations, all the while earning credit for their degrees.

I highly encourage every Concordia undergraduate student to support community-driven social justice research and vote YES to the CURE fee levy question!

Irmak Bahar, undergrad