Vote Diana

Upon first meeting Diana Sitoianu, I couldn’t believe that one person could be so dedicated and have so much pride in their school. Diana is a hard worker, great listener and an amazing friend. She has always looked out for others and genuinely cared —especially when it comes to what they think and how they feel about issues and beliefs concerning the university. By listening to what the student body wants, Diana is capable of coming up with the best solutions that would make everyone happy.

Diana has been a large part of the Arts and Science Federation of Associations, and her face will be seen at every event, no matter if it rains or snows! This is part of what makes Diana such an amazing person. She puts everyone else before herself and gives as much as she can, with her whole heart.

Diana is capable of bringing so much to AFSA. She believes in the school, as well as in the student body. Diana always tries to come up with beneficial ideas for the school and ways to implement them.

The fact that Diana has been able to maintain such an honorable GPA, as well as take part in so many associations and events—all with a smile on her face—makes it clear to me that she would make a great candidate for the position of Vice President of Academic and Loyola Affairs.

So vote for Diana from Feb. 15 to the 17!

—Steven Naami,
BA Philosophy

This article originally appeared in Volume 31, Issue 22, published February 8, 2011.