
One Doesn’t Simply Use a Meme

Graphic Joshua Barkman

There was once a time where you had to do very specific things to be exposed to memes. Say, if you were pwned in game of Counter-Strike, or deep into some forum for a weird, way-too-specific hobby. But lately, you need not even so much as click on a mouse to experience these simple viral jokes—they’ve even made it onto our goddamn protest signs.

Now, I can take a joke as well as anyone, but the trouble with the extreme popularity of these one-pane-wonders is that I’m now forced to digest shitty memes wherever I go.

I’m forced to cry out, to my own dismay, “Y U NO leave it to the funny people!?”

When everyone and their uncle can put them together with a few keyboard strokes and an emoticon, there isn’t much stopping all your unfunny Internet friends from posting them about every meaningless menial moment in their lives.

Your lame joke won’t benefit from some text in Impact font and an overused picture. Either you’re funny or you’re not. If you’re not funny, a meme can’t save you.

You’re just ruining it.

My Facebook feed isn’t 4Chan. Please, for the love of God, let’s keep it that way.