
Why Your Doors So Heavy Tho, Concordia?

Graphic Morag Rahn-Campbell

It’s a typical Monday afternoon. I cross de Maisonneuve Blvd. at Bishop St. after a long, snowy walk up the hill from Griffintown—I’m ready to face the day of class ahead.

Before I get in line for the shuttle to take me to my class at Loyola, I decide to go inside the Hall building to warm my toesies a little.

I approach the door. Suddenly, three people whip past me on the other side. I dodge all of them, with fox-like reflexes.

Feeling relieved, I reach out my hand, grabbing hold of the door handle. Using the strength of one woman successfully cow-tipping an Easter Island head, I pull the door open enough to squeeze myself inside, milliseconds from being clamped by its cold, grey fangs.

If I’m not mistaken, every door at Concordia is heavy as shit. As a journalism student, who has to take a plethora of electives and general knowledge credits, I have had classes in many, many of our institution’s wonderful buildings—MB, Hall, CJ, SP, EV buildings, even the Faubourg (if you’ve had class there, you know). The commonality? They all have heavy-ass front doors.

So, being a rational human being, I googled why these doors need to be so heavy, and gave up after five minutes of finding nothing but similar questions to mine without answers.

One conclusion I came to was that the doors are so heavy to keep out the cold. And that’s great! Because I get super cold at Concordia all the time, even though the doors are heavy AF. Another reason could be to slow down intruders from getting inside, but I’m just spewing bullshit at this point.

I can’t propose a solution to this problem. There is no way Concordia administration will respond to, or even notice, my plea for doors I can open with ease.

All I know is, when I’m carrying my backpack, a video camera, a tripod and it’s -30 C with freezing rain, I don’t need a 400-pound door to get in my way.