Letter: YES to AVEQ—Yes to an ALTERNATIVE

Students across Quebec have united their power through provincial student associations for over 50 years. This collaboration has sustained an accessible system of post-secondary education throughout all of Quebec.

Our quality education is made possible through one of the lowest tuition fees in the country, and our current academic experience is a result of historical and ongoing efforts, which are vital in defending all we have accomplished thus far.

The province-wide student organization has taken many forms, beginning with the UGEQ in the 60s, the ANEEQ in 70s and 80s, and the FEUQ and ASSE from the 90s to today.

These organizations have each left their mark on the history of the student movement, and it is now our turn to decide which direction we would like to pursue. With the recent demise of the FEUQ, a political vacuum now exists, one that provides both an opportunity and a potential risk.

The ability to collectively choose our direction presents an opportunity to reinvent the student movement into one that is more inclusive and representative for Quebec students.

We can create a more accessible movement where Anglophone students have a voice, and students have a chance to be at the forefront of feminist practices in the fight against discrimination of all types.

We can help forge a student movement that takes environmental concerns seriously, and bolsters the growing campaign for climate justice.

Yet there also exists a danger. A danger that this political vacuum will be exploited by the provincial government to strip the hard-won gains of students. There have always been attempts to ensure student voices remain isolated to their respective campuses and don’t reach the ears of the government.

With austerity as an oppressive economic policy and government cuts to education totalling $400 million, we get a taste of what our government is capable of, and recognize the need for strong voices of dissent.

AVEQ emphasizes a balanced approach of enabling mobilization and research around quality education, social justice, and environmental sustainability.

As someone who has been actively engaged in the student movement for several years, and participated at provincial tables as a CSU representative, I can say with confidence that AVEQ is a very positive step forward for all Concordia students.

For more information please refer to the AVEQ website at AVEQ-NOUS.ORG.

Please vote Nov. 24 to 26.

— Gabriel Velasco, Concordia Student Union’s VP External and Mobilization