Extended Gratitude

The Cinema Students Association is disappointed to learn that the current CSU executive was not willing to work with Morgan Pudwell, an outstanding leader who has represented students with integrity in her term as VP Promotions and Sustainability.

She was invaluable to councillors during a conflict within the Fine Arts Student Alliance at the beginning of the year by providing support and guidance. Her leadership helped strengthen the Alliance as a whole. Morgan has attended many FASA Council meetings as the Fine Arts representative on the CSU, going above and beyond her position, and was a resource regarding the CSU bylaws during the rewriting of the FASA Constitution.

Morgan has been a fierce defender of student rights, active in protesting the tuition increases proposed by the Quebec government. She participated in the Student Demonstration in Quebec City on Dec. 6, as a representative of the thousands of Concordia students who would be affected by these increases.

Morgan was also integral to the WHALE campaign in organizing activities, postering and cutting through the red tape that accompanies a student assembly of more than 800 people. Though CSU President Heather Lucas spoke on behalf of the executive during the WHALE, the organizers relied on Morgan Pudwell for the assistance of the CSU.

The Cinema Students Association witnessed her intense devotion to the campaign at several planning meetings as well as during the assembly, which greatly influenced the success of the campaign.

The Cinema Students would like to extend our gratitude to Morgan and her continued dedication to the Fine Arts and Concordia communities.

—Ali Moenck,
VP Communications,
Cinema Students Association

This article originally appeared in Volume 31, Issue 25, published March 8, 2011.