Why My Vote Will Go to Community Action (and Why Yours Should Too)

Two years ago, I made my first steps in student politics.

I ran and was elected as the President of the Political Science Student Association because I deeply felt that things had to be moved around. I saw immense potential in my peers, but little opportunity to see that potential live to its full capacity. Essentially, that is what I wanted to move around.

Since I made these first steps I’ve met many other students who also shared this vision and ambition. Today, I am delighted to see many of these individuals come together to further the realm of opportunities that our university has to offer. And I know for a fact that together, they will meet our expectations.

These individuals have united under the banner of Community Action. What they have to offer are not only great events and learning opportunities for us. By offering affordable housing to students, giving student parents a chance to succeed academically while having their children nurtured near them, and furthering our campus sustainability, Community Action also seeks to impact our local student community.

They understand that these issues do not exist in a vacuum. They are able to look further, identify the larger problems we are faced with, and address them head on. By doing so, they lead our student community towards a better future. That is, truly, to have students’ best interests at heart.

These people have inspired me, and I know that they will inspire you as well. They are devoted to supporting student initiatives, to giving students the opportunities they need to succeed and to allow potential to live to its true capacity.