Heard in the Hall

Concordia on: The Media

This week, words like democracy, objectivity and access kept coming up in The Link‘s office. So, we decided to take to Concordia’s hallways find out what ConU student’s think about the media. We asked students whether or not they trust their news media.

  • No [I don’t trust the media]. I feel there is too much bias exerted by who controls what it is said.

  • Well, I don’t think I can trust one specific source, because there is a bias within each media [source]. If the organizations are non-profit, I think I can increase my confidence in them because they are not biased because of the sponsors. I think as an individual, it is important to see more and try to absorb as much material and sources as possible and to generate your own opinions.

  • I don’t think 100 per cent of what they say or illustrate is true because they filter it. Alternative news could be more trustworthy than the regular [mainstream] news. They are not as controlled.

  • It is a very difficult question. You know, there is always that dark hand in the back. It’s hard to [tell] if what you are seeing has an ulterior motive to it. Even at home [in Columbia], there was a time where my mother used to say, ‘Oh! I don’t watch the media because God knows what they are really trying to inject in you!’ You have to look at it [the news media]. I wouldn’t say don’t trust it. But be mindful.

  • It depends. If you look at the popular media, I find the news is there. But they often put in their own point of view. So, if you get it [the news] from multiple sources, then you can make up your own mind.