Thanks, Morgan

With the resignation of VP Sustainability & Promotions Morgan Pudwell, the CSU and Concordia at large lost one of its greatest assets.

In my short time here at Concordia, I have had the pleasure of working with Morgan on numerous occasions in the realm of student activism, most notably on WHALE.

Her drive and perseverance served as an inspiration. Without her expert knowledge of Concordia’s infrastructure, WHALE would not have been the success that it was.

Morgan devoted countless hours in service of the student population to ensure that bookings for spaces were made, tables for advertising the event were filled, and I even found her on Reggies’ terrace shoveling snow on the day of WHALE.

Morgan’s resignation shows the depth of her commitment to the university. With her departure, she sheds light on the serious condition of the CSU.

The CSU’s inability to meet the demands of their constituents will be all the more apparent with Morgan gone, as she was one of the few who took their positions seriously and addressed students’ concerns and criticisms in a professional manner.

The grievances that drove Morgan to resign are both numerous and valid, and they are grievances that every student should have. The lack of transparency and accountability within the CSU that drove away one of their greatest assets needs to be addressed swiftly.

And to Morgan, I say thank you for your amazing work and your representation. I hope you choose to continue to work with student groups and help us address the numerous concerns facing Concordia today.

—Kyle McLoughlin,
Sociology & Anthropology

This article originally appeared in Volume 31, Issue 25, published March 8, 2011.